Tour Operator Support Program

Tour Operators are of strategic importance in the recovery process, as they along with hotels drive supply and demand and motivate tourism economies to diversify and expand their product offering through new tour packages, and new tour experiences.
Historically, tour guides, tour guide associations, and micro, small and medium enterprises have had desire in formally becoming a tour operator, however, have faced particular entry barriers. One in particular, is the cost of the public liability insurance that is required by Law.
The Program
As a part of ongoing efforts to support the recovery and stabilization of the tourism supply chain, and in particular the highly vulnerable micro and small business sector, the BTB established a facility to assist first-time applying micro and small tour operators to cover the cost of the required public liability tour operator insurance for a period one year. To be eligible entities would be required to meet the following criteria:
- Classify as either a Micro or Small Enterprise (Less than 20 employees, excluding the tour guides) OR
- A Tour Guide wishing to transition to a Tour Operator OR
- A Tour Guide Association wishing to transition into a Tour Operator.
As a result, first-time tour operator applicants that meet either of these requirements, and are able to submit all the other requisite documentation in their application would be eligible to receive a grant of up to $1000 to cover the expenses of the public liability insurance.
This support will be a one-time financial assistance.
This program will run on an annual basis.
Request for Support:
- New Tour Operators applying for the first time for a Tour Operator License shall follow the regular process established by the Belize Tourism Board, with applications being submitted to [email protected].
- If the applicant meets the said criteria, the respective Licensing Officer shall notify the tour operator that they are eligible for support under the Tour Operator Insurance Program.
- The applicant is required to fill and submit an application form (access here), and submit a pro-forma invoice or quotation, from a recognized insurance company, along with general terms of the policy, notifying the policy coverage.
- The Licensing Officer, shall than within 2 working days vet and review that all is in order, and shall submit the documentation to the Registrar of Hotels for review and for signature of the pro-forma invoice or quotation.
- Upon approval of support to be granted the BTB and the applicant shall execute a Memorandum of Understanding that will describe the terms on which the financial support is being provided.
- Upon signature of the Memorandum of Understanding, the Licensing Officer shall then process payment of the sum amount indicated in the documentation, up to a maximum of $1000, to the specific insurance company on behalf of the Tour Operator.