Tourism Awards


A licensed hotel with ten or more rooms, where service exceeds excellence with demonstrated positive attitude and attentiveness of staff. Offering exceptional value for money, equipped with outstanding facilities and amenities, innovation and the ability to provide visitors with a truly authentic and all-encompassing Belize experience.

A licensed small accommodation with less than ten rooms that captures the essence of warmth and homeliness, displays customer service excellence, outstanding facilities, and a personalized touch in delivering the Belize brand to its visitors.

A licensed tour operator that offers a variety of tours which excel in service, marketing, creativity, uniqueness, safety, reliability and value for money.  The tour operator shall demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainable and innovative business practices.

A licensed tour guide demonstrating a wealth of knowledge and ability to capture the attention of an audience. Additionally, the tour guide shall provide excellent communication and interpersonal skills, positive attitude, creativity, and service excellence.

A frontline employee who demonstrates excellent communication and interpersonal skills, the ability to welcome guests with great Belizean hospitality, is knowledgeable about Belize and provides a memorable experience.

Note** Includes but not limited to front desk personnel, concierge, waitress/waiter, bartender, bell hop, etc.

A restaurant that offers an exemplary dining experience and demonstrates service excellence. The menu offers a wide array of cultural cuisines and caters to a diverse palate.

A tourism business entity or tourism ancillary organization that offers exceptional service to customers, demonstrating professional business ethics and caters to the needs of its staff and members. Flexible in adapting to change and industry growth.


Includes but not limited to Destination Management Companies, Tourism Industry Associations, Tour Operator Associations, etc.

Question Description Legend Scale
1 Describe your company/association flexibility in adapting to change and industry growth. Maximum= 20 points 4 or more examples 20
3 examples 15
2 examples 10
1 example 5
2 How do you monitor and maintain your customer/member satisfaction?                          Maximum= 20 points Has three or more verifiable mechanisms in place 20
Has two verifiable mechanisms in place 15
Has one verifiable mechanism in place 10
Has no mechanism in place 0
3 Do you provide annual training for your staff? If yes, please provide evidence. Specialized Technical Training 10
Customer Service Training 6
Relevant Job Training (Based on JD) 4
None 0
4 What are the mediums you use to market/publicize your company/association? Maximum= 20 points Five or more marketing mediums 20
Three or four marketing mediums 15
Two or less marketing mediums 10
No marketing medium 0
5 Does your company/association support any beneficial community projects (for example: local, national, special interest, cultural or educational) in your area?  If yes, please provide examples. Maximum= 20 points Five or more 20
Three or four 15
Two or less 10
None 0

This award recognizes a tourism business that works responsibly, ethically and sustainably by:  i.) Engaging in community service ii.)  Reducing their carbon footprint through green initiatives, iii.)  Adhering to environmental laws and best practices.

This award is in recognition of a truly authentic cultural experience that highlights Belize’s multifaceted heritage that:  i.) create substantial economic impact, ii.) attract visitors (local and international), iii.) generate national or international media profile; iv.) Promotes or contributes to the survival of cultural knowledge or practice.

A tourism site frequently visited, typically for its inherent or exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, and natural or built beauty.
Note**Includes but not limited to Archaeological Sites, National Parks, Reserves, and Sanctuaries, etc.

A tourism business entity that offers a well-rounded wellness program that addresses mental, physical or spiritual health and wellness.