Luxury travel services covers the most desirable and premium experiences in terms of luxury accommodations, convenient transport facilities, and authentic and exclusive travel experience. The overall aim of the Luxury Tourism program is to provide outstanding, exclusive, and convenient tourism services and experiences to tourists and locals.

Below is the official process and costing for private aviation services in Belize:

Private Aviation Process Flow 2021

  1. Foreign Aircraft Application Form ( View Here )
  2. Completed Pilot & Aircraft Documents:
    1. Pilot Medical Certificate
    2. Pilot License
    3. Aircraft Liability Insurance
    4. Aircraft Registration
    5. Aircraft Airworthiness Certificate
    6. Private aircraft flying above FL200; the flight plan validation processor can be used.
  3. Domestic Flying Permission Request
  4. Cuban Overflight Permit (Required 2 days prior to overflight)
  5. Completed Immigration/Customs forms
  6. General Declaration Forms ( View Here )
  7. Aircraft Clearance Certificate for Stamp
  8. Airport Authority Authorization
  9. Motor Vehicle Import Permit 

Applications are to be submitted via email to and copied to not less than FORTY-EIGHT (48) hours in advance of intended landing in Belize. In addition, the same email addresses should be used to request for permission to fly domestically and availability of parking space at selected domestic airstrips.

  1. Departure from Aircraft
  2. Greeted by Service Handling Agent to assist in facilitating documentation (* Fee of BZD $240.00)
  3. Health & Immigration Clearance
    1. Presentation of Covid 19 negative test results
      * Rapid Testing available upon landing at the PGIA at a cost of USD $50.00.
    2. Completed immigration forms per person and Custom form per family.
  4. Customs Clearance
    1. Presentation of Aircraft Clearance Certificate
    2. Presentation of General Declaration Forms
    3. Presentation of Motor Vehicle Temporary Import Permit
    4. Completed Customs form (1 per family)
  5. Belize Agriculture & Health Authority (BAHA) & OIRSA Clearance
    1. Presentation of Aircraft Clearance Certificate for Stamp
    2. General Declaration Forms
    3. Payment of BAHA Fee if Aircraft weights up to 6,000 lbs (BZD $10.00)
    4. Payment of OIRSA Fee (BZD $30.00)
  6. Belize Airport Concession Company Clearance
    1. Presentation of Aircraft Clearance Certificate
    2. Presentation of General Declaration Forms
    3. Payment of Landing Fee (BZD $9.75)
    4. Payment of Parking Fee (BZD $4.00)
    5. Payment of Facility Fee (BZD $50.00)
    6. Payment of Security Fee (BZD $1.50)

Additional overtime fees may be charged for operation out of normal working hours. Overtime Fees (Click here)

  1. Air Traffic Services
    1. Presentation of Aircraft Clearance Certificate
    2. Presentation of General Declaration Forms
  1. Payment of Departure Tax
    Departure tax of BZD $78.50 to be paid to the Belize Airport Concession Office. Aircraft Clearance Certificate to be presented prior to departure.
  2. Immigration & Customs
    1. Produce Aircraft Clearance Certificate for OUTBOUND stamps
    2. Produce General Declaration Forms
    3. Return Temporary Import Permit
    4. Departure Immigration Form
  3. Belize Airport Concession Office
    1. Produce Aircraft Clearance Certificate for Stamp
    2. Produce General Declaration Form
  4. Air Traffic Services
    1. Produce Aircraft Clearance Certificate for Stamp
    2. Produce General Declaration Forms
    3. Hard Copy of Departure Flight Plan
  5. Security Screening
    1. Request & Inform security to alert departure gate guards for access to ramp & Tarmac.
  6. Aircraft Refuelling
  7. Take-Off
    1. Call Tower for clearance
    2. Take-off after approval from tower.

Have a Question?

Visit the Belize Department of Civil Aviation


Tel: +(501) 225-2014  /  (501) 225-2153